Media Coverage

Media Interview

Date Article Media 
18 October 2024 Help! My brother has a new girlfriend and now we’re not as close Young Post
07 October 2024 2024年世界精神衞生日 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
07 October 2024 2024世界精神衞生日:推動職場精神健康 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
04 October 2024 Help! My dad gets upset when I buy too many things. How do I stop overspending? Young Post
20 September 2024 Help! My dad is in a bad mood because he just quit smoking. What should I do? Young Post
09 September 2024 攜手預防長者自殺 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
07 September 2024 多點關懷多點愛 攜手預防長者自殺 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
30 August 2024 Help! My sister moved abroad, and now we don’t talk as much as we used to. What should I do? Young Post
04 July 2024 【DSE考生注意】放榜前後有規劃未來少疑惑 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
31 May 2024 Help! My parents are so strict about my clothes. What should I do? Young Post
05 April 2024 Help! I don’t want to talk about my feelings, but I feel so lonely. What should I do? Young Post
28 March 2024 【DSE開考】考生紓壓除困擾 心態好重要 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
25 March 2024 健康心態,提升狀態 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
19 March 2024 【國際幸福日2024】快樂解碼 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
16 March 2024 培養人際關係 成就快樂要訣 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
11 March 2024 快樂解碼 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
01 March 2024 Help! How do I deal with emotional eating? Young Post
02 February 2024 Help! My dad is frustrated by my social anxiety. What should I do? Young Post
27 January 2024 新年或為部分長者帶來壓力 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
22 January 2024 關懷長者,共度快樂新年 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
12 January 2024 Help! My new friend is nice in private but ignores me in public. What should I do? Young Post


Date Article Media
08 December 2023 Help! I’m too nervous to speak in front of my classmates. What should I do? Young Post
03 November 2023 Help! My friend is so focused on academics that it’s affecting their health. How can I help? Young Post
09 October 2023 世界精神衞生日之「精神健康是普世人權」 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
01 September 2023 青少年曾遭網絡欺凌自殺風險較高 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
28 August 2023 網絡欺凌與預防青少年自殺 (Chinese version only) RTHK Healthpedia
27 July 2023 Cyberbullying and Prevention of Adolescent Suicide Hong Kong News
19 June 2023 Help! Can I balance my studies with a part-time job? Young Post
12 June 2023 Help! I’m too possessive of my friends when I introduce them to new people. What should I do? Young Post
05 June 2023 Help! I overthink everything and it’s stressing me out Young Post
29 May 2023 Help! My teachers judge me and I don’t want to go to school Young Post
22 May 2023 Help! I’m being cyberbullied and I don’t know what to do Young Post
15 May 2023 Help! My best friend has a different best friend – what should I do? Young Post
08 May 2023 Is it OK to be jealous of my friend in a relationship? Should we even date while in school? Young Post
24 April 2023 Help! How can I improve my self-esteem and learn to stop procrastinating? Young Post
23 April 2023 Expressive arts therapy sessions at M+ museum use Yayoi Kusama’s work to help Hong Kong youth draw on emotions Young Post
17 April 2023 Help! How can I learn to be more assertive and say ‘no’ to people I love? Young Post
03 April 2023 Help! I try talking about my problems but everyone says to ‘toughen up’ Young Post
12 April 2023 Free tickets for Yayoi Kusama M+ show get students talking about mental health The Art Newspaper
09 April 2023 M+ museum to offer 10,000 free tickets to Hong Kong students for its Yayoi Kusama exhibition to boost mental health SCMP
02 April 2023 Enter your drawing for chance to win tickets to Yayoi Kusama exhibition at Hong Kong M+ museum Young Post
27 March 2023 Help! How can I learn to stop running from my emotions? Young Post
20 March 2023 Help! I know a secret about a friend that would hurt her feelings Young Post
13 March 2023 Help! My cousin copies everything I do – and does it better Young Post
06 March 2023 Help! How do I stop distressing news from affecting my mental health? Young Post
18 March 2023 快樂從實行開始 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
27 February 2023 To encourage mental health conversations flow on campus The Mental Health School Tour - “Talk with the Flow” kicked off at HKU HKU
27 February 2023 【精神健康】校園巡遊「順流講」以港大作首站 提高師生對精神健康的關注 (Chinese version only) TOPick
27 February 2023 Help! I wish I had my friend’s supportive parents. How do I deal with my strict family? Young Post
20 February 2023 Help! My friend ditched me for more ‘elite’ students. How can I learn to trust again? Young Post
13 February 2023 Help! My parents want me to study abroad, but I’m not ready to leave Hong Kong Young Post
06 February 2023 Help! How do I get my parents to stop comparing me to other people? Young Post
30 January 2023 Help! I didn’t accomplish most of my goals last year. How can I improve in 2023? Young Post
16 January 2023 Help! My friend spreads rumours about me. How can I end our friendship? Young Post
09 January 2023 Help! I’m so unmotivated in school and I want to give up Young Post


Date Article Media
19 December 2022 Help! I’m so stressed that I haven’t been eating. Could this be a more serious problem? Young Post
12 December 2022 Help! I’ve been betrayed by friends before. How can I learn to trust again? Young Post
05 December 2022 Help! How do I handle grief after the death of my mother? Young Post
28 November 2022 Help! My parents argue a lot, and it feels like I don’t have a happy family Young Post
21 November 2022 Help! I can’t keep up with my classmates in school, and I feel lost and depressed Young Post
14 November 2022 Help! How do I control my anxiety attacks and avoid making a scene? Young Post
07 November 2022 Help! How can I make friends when I’m too shy to talk to people? Young Post
31 October 2022 Help! I feel so self-conscious looking at my favourite idols on Instagram. What do I do? Young Post
24 October 2022 Help! My friends have replaced me. What should I do? Young Post
17 October 2022 Help! I get so anxious about public speaking; what should I do? Young Post
14 October 2022 培養感恩習慣促進精神健康 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
10 October 2022 Help! I’m obsessed with what people think about me on Instagram Young Post
10 October 2022 【世界精神衞生日】加強精神健康由4個簡單方法開始 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
03 October 2022 Help! My best friend and I have grown apart. What should I do? Young Post
26 September 2022 Help! My new pal dumped me – how do I get my old one back? Young Post
19 September 2022 Help! I’m nervous about the new school year and making friends – how do I talk to people? Young Post
09 September 2022 留意自殺警號及早協助有需要人士 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
29 August 2022 Help! How do I know which school is best for me? Young Post
26 August 2022 HK Dept of Health: Prevention and management of suicide Hong Kong News
22 August 2022 Help! It feels so hard to keep friends. How do I maintain a friendship? Young Post
19 August 2022 注意自殺警號 預防和及早處理自殺危機 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
15 August 2022 Help! How do I stop my emotions from taking control of my life? Young Post
8 August 2022 Help! All my friends are emigrating to other countries, and now I feel lonely Young Post
1 August 2022 Help! My sister’s stress about university is rubbing off on me Young Post
25 July 2022 Help! I’m under a lot of pressure and don’t know why I need to study so much Young Post
18 July 2022 Help! I get jealous when I see my friend with their other friends Young Post
11 July 2022 Help! I’m being bullied, but my friends and family say I’m just too sensitive Young Post
08 July 2022 抗逆力協助應對困難與挑戰 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
04 July 2022 Help! I feel like I’m addicted to my smartphone. What can I do? Young Post
27 June 2022 Help! I want to learn more about sex, but it feels off-limits and I’m not sure where to go Young Post
23 June 2022 HK Department of Health promoting resilience for students and youth Hong Kong News
13 June 2022 Help! My mum’s outdated stereotypes about girls are hurting our relationship Young Post
07 June 2022 【增強抗逆力】青年抗逆 添動力 (衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
06 June 2022 Help! I want to make friends, but I don’t know how to become close to someone Young Post
30 May 2022 Help! I hurt my friend’s feelings and now he hates me. How can I fix our friendship? Young Post
23 May 2022 Help! I’m always worried and jealous – what can I do to get over these negative feelings? Young Post
16 May 2022 My dad is under a lot of pressure – how can I help him relieve his stress? Young Post
25 April 2022 Help! All my friends are dating and it makes me feel lonely. What should I do? Young Post
11 April 2022 Help! Everyone is so stressed about the pandemic. How can I help them? Young Post
11 April 2022 【壓力】DSE文憑試將至 減壓有助表現穩定 預防和處理4個有法 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
08 April 2022 文憑試考生做好減壓 有利應考表現 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
04 April 2022 Help! I feel so alone, even when I’m surrounded by people Young Post
21 March 2022 Help! My classmate really wants to be my friend. How do I tell her I’m not interested? Young Post
15 March 2022 DSE輕鬆減壓法 (Chinese version only) am730
14 March 2022 Help! I’m cutting back on gaming – but how do I keep my gaming friends? Young Post
14 February 2022 Help! I’m a good student, so my friends and family don’t take my stress seriously Young Post
07 February 2022 Help! All my friends are dating and it makes me feel lonely. What should I do? Young Post
31 January 2022 Help! I’m pretty sure I’m straight – or am I? Young Post
24 January 2022 Help! I feel bad about my body, and my classmates call me names behind my back Young Post


Date Article Media
20 December 2021 Help! I spilled my friend’s secret, and now everyone says they can’t trust me Young Post
19 December 2021 Help! I have a lot more work to do now than before the pandemic, and no motivation to do it Young Post
12 December 2021 Help! I have a crush on my teacher. Should I tell him about it or stay-quiet? Young Post
05 December 2021 Help! I'm pretty sure my classmate is a narcissist. How should I behave around her? Young Post
22 November 2021 Help! How do I show my dad I appreciate him when I’m in poor health? Young Post
21 November 2021 Help! All my friends have started dating, but it feels like no one wants to go out with me Young Post
07 November 2021 Help! My best friend wants to meet my parents, but we aren't very close and it makes me uncomfortable Young Post
31 October 2021 Help! I really want a hedgehog as a pet, but my parents don't agree - what should I do? Young Post
24 October 2021 Help! None of my friends or old teachers are in my classes this year, and I’m terrified  Young Post
17 October 2021 My classmate copies everything I do – now she's even taken my place in a school club Young Post
10 October 2021 How do I explain that playing games on my phone actually helps me to relax? Young Post
04 October 2021 We have advice for a student who is feeling alone as their friends have started dating Young Post
26 September 2021 We discuss what to do when you’re frustrated that a friend is better that you at a sport  Young Post
19 September 2021 This week, we offer advice about picking a subject at university and pursuing further studies abroad Young Post
10 September 2021 疏遠親友或食慾明顯改變切勿看輕 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
31 August 2021 Help! How do I convince my parents I can balance my studies with my screen time?  Young Post
22 August 2021 This week, we offer advice on what to do if you have an argument with your stepsister with whom you are sharing a room Young Post
17 August 2021 尋找出口 (Chinese version only) am730
15 August 2021 This week, we offer advice on how to convince your mum to stop reading your diary and give you more privacy, and what to do when your friends label you as a rich kid and make you feel like an outsider Young Post
08 August 2021 What do you do when you feel uncomfortable about moving in with your parent’s new partner? We share advice this week about how to communicate your concerns while respecting your parent’s happiness  Young Post
01 August 2021 This week, Friend of a Friend gives advice on how to approach your parents about extending a 9pm curfew, and what to do if you feel like it is too late – and embarrassing – for you to start a new sport Young Post
25 July 2021 This week, we give advice about what to do if you’re feeling anxious about making friends and developing your interests. And we discuss how to respond if your parents are being too harsh on your sibling  Young Post
18 July 2021 This week, we discuss what to do on a first date with someone you’ve been friends with for a while – how to avoid messing up your friendship and make it special without feeling weird Young Post
12 July 2021 衛生處方:助人激活快樂荷爾蒙 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
11 July 2021 This week, we explain how to respond assertively and gently when a friend sends you a gift you don’t like. And we discuss steps you can take if you love art but have been stuck in a creativity rut Young Post
04 July 2021 This week, we discuss how you can treasure your memories and friendships as you approach graduation, while preparing for new challenges – and deciding what to do about an unspoken crush Young Post
17 May 2021 Helping others and ourselves Hong Kong News
16 April 2021 考生減減壓從容應考DSE有辦法 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
16 April 2021 DSE減壓有辦法 (Chinese version only) am730
12 April 2021 考試壓力過大 易病兼無記性 紓緩壓力 One Two Three!(衛生處方) (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
19 March 2021 快樂自尋促進精神健康調適思想行為 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
05 February 2021 疫情下面對經濟困境 適當方法處理精神壓力 (Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
19 January 2021 調節心態 應付疫情下的經濟和心理壓力 (Chinese version only) am730
11 January 2021 衛生處方:紓緩疫下失業焦慮 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
10 January 2021 Coping with economic and psychological stresses during Covid-19 pandemic Hong Kong News