Shall We Check Our Mental Health

Shall We Check Our Mental Health

Why check our mental health?

Some people mistakenly think that the absence of mental disorder means mentally healthy. Actually, mental health involves many aspects, such as personal autonomy, coping well despite existing problems, realizing potential, satisfactorily connecting with others and contributing to others and society, etc. With or without mental disorder, we all should pay attention to our mental health. Our mental health condition may vary over time. Therefore, we should take a view of our own status from time to time, encouraging people among us to do the same, to promote mental well-being.

How to check our mental health?

There are plenty of formal testing tools to help you understand your own psychological distress and mental health, such as the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and the 330 Wellness Index.

In addition, there are various games that are more fun-oriented and designed to help you check your mental health.

Each testing tool has its own uses and limitations. If in doubt, you are recommended to consult a professional.

What animal lives inside you

What animal lives inside you? Take this test to check on your wellbeing!

Hey, how are you?

When was the last time you checked in on your inner self? Our emotions vary every day with the people we meet and things we encounter. Sometimes we are pumped like a super hyper mouse, but other times we might just feel like a long-faced spoonbill...

Let's try this mini game to see what animal lives inside you, and learn more about your recent well-being!

Start your test