
If you wish to get “Shall We Talk” health educational materials, please visit the following website:

Let's Understand Mental Health Problems

Anxiety Disorders   Depression   Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder
Anxiety Disorders    Depression   Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder 
Bipolar Disorders   Psychosis   Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bipolar Disorders    Psychosis    Autism Spectrum Disorder 
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder    
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) 
  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder    
Depression Matters    Living With Someone With Depression   If You Think You Have Depression
Depression Matters    Living With Someone
With Depression
  If You Think You Have Depression
Mental Health Support Services for Ethnic Minorities   Mental Health Hotlines and Online Support    
Mental Health Support Services
for Ethnic Minorities
  Mental Health Hotlines and
Online Support

Let's Understand Mental Well-being

甚麼是精神健康 (Chinese version only)   精神健康的警號 (Chinese version only)   精神健康加油站 (Chinese version only)
(Chinese version only)
(Chinese version only)
(Chinese version only)

Tips on Being Joyful

人際關係之傾訴有法 (Chinese version only)    The Pursuit of Happiness - 3 Steps   7 Ways to Happiness
(Chinese version only) 
(Chinese version only)
  7 Ways to Happiness
The Myth of Sleeping   Know Better Sleep Better   TIPS on Academic Work and Personal Life Balance
The Myth of Sleeping   Know Better, Sleep Better   TIPS on Academic Work and
Personal Life Balance