

As an adult, it is common to encounter challenges and difficulties from work, family and social relationships, etc. Maintaining a healthy mind and body is the key for us to cope with all these adversities.

Looking after your mental well-being is not difficult. By integrating the elements of “Sharing”, “Mind” and “Enjoyment” into your daily life, you can live a healthier, happier and more meaningful life.


  1. Share your joy

    Share with other your good news or positive events that happened to you. The more people you share with, the happier you feel. For example, you can share the reason for receiving gratitude from others, your volunteer work experience, and photos of a nice meal you had.

  2. Be empathetic and offer help

    Actively help or interact with others in a supportive and caring manner. Examples are opening a door for your colleague who is holding a pile of folders, and offering your seat to the elderly on public transport.

  3. Connect with others regularly

    Spending time with those people you enjoy being with can make you feel happy. You can organise a gathering with friends every once in a while.

  4. Spend time with your family members

    Having a better and closer relationship with your family members makes you feel cheerful. Share the bits and pieces of your daily life with your family members and enjoy a meal with them.

  5. Express your feelings and gratitude

    Do not hide your feelings or gratitude. For example, you can say “well-done” to your colleagues and praise your mom for cooking a good meal.


  1. Reappraise situations in a positive manner

    Use positive thinking and values to comprehend and reappraise different situations. For example, you may view physical activity as an activity demonstrating your personal achievement rather than wasting your time.

  2. Pay more attention to yourself

    Monitor and react quickly to your mood changes. For example, you can take a rest and talk to someone if you feel very anxious and irritated.

  3. Value and accept yourself

    Everyone is unique and so are you. Learn to value yourself and accept who you are. Identify your strengths and positive qualities. Be confident about your abilities and do not underestimate yourself.

  4. Set your goals and work it out

    Set different goals that are meaningful and achievable. Make plans and take steps to achieve them.

  5. Be grateful

    Treasure the things that you possess, e.g. good health, warm family or close friends, instead of complaining about what you do not have.


  1. Regularly engage in physical activities or mind-body exercises

    Choose whatever physical activities or mind-body exercises that you are interested in. Engage in them regularly. Some examples are hiking, swimming, running, ball games, tai chi, yoga and meditation.

  2. Live in the present

    Notice and treasure the pleasurable things around you, such as the family photos placed on your work desk.

  3. Enjoy your private space and time

    Spending time on your own for a while can help you feel relaxed. For example, you can take a nice warm bath or shower to relax your muscles and improve your mood.

  4. Keep learning

    Learn something new that can offer you a sense of achievement and make you feel good. For example, you may teach yourself how to cook a new dish or learn photography.

  5. Laughter makes you feel good

    Laughing produces an aerobic effect similar to that of doing physical activity. It also makes you feel good and relaxed. So laugh more!

  6. Take up a hobby

    By engaging in activities you truly enjoy and turning them into your hobbies, you can boost self-confidence and stimulate your mind. Start reading a book this weekend, go hiking with your family, and take beautiful photographs.